By leveraging their
strengths and resources, IGBC and CREDAI can significantly impact the adoption and
implementation of green building practices across India, leading to more
sustainable environments.
CII IGBC, India’s premier
body for green building certification and related services, and the
Confederation of Real Estate Developers' Associations of India (CREDAI) have
re-signed the Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate and work together on
sustainable development projects that encourages the builders and real estate
developers adopt green technologies.
The Memorandum of
Understanding was signed at a ceremony held on 23 Sept 2024 at CREDAI’s NATCON
2024 in Sydney, Australia. The MoU was signed by Mr. C Shekar Reddy, National
Vice Chairman, CII Indian Green Building Council and Mr. Boman R Irani,
President, Confederation of Real Estate Developers' Associations of India
(CREDAI). Also present at the signing were Mr. Jeff Oatman, Chair, Asia Pacific
Network- World Green Building Council and Head of Collaboration and Membership,
GBC Australia; Mr Shekhar G. Patel, President Elect, CREDAI; Mr. Himanshu Shah,
Director, IGBC; and Mr. Sundeep Vullikanti, Senior Counsellor, IGBC.
Speaking at the signing
of the MoU, Mr C Shekar Reddy, National Vice Chairman, CII Indian Green
Building Council, said “The MoU with CREDAI is a significant moment as this
partnership will play an important role in helping India becomes one of the
global leaders in the sustainable built environment by 2025. We will work
closely with CREDAI members across India to raise awareness on Green and Net
Zero concepts and adopt suitable IGBC Green and Net Zero Rating systems for
their upcoming projects.”
As part of the agreement,
CII IGBC will support CREDAI members in carrying out high-level feasibility
studies for their building projects (in Design/ Construction/ Operations phase)
and share improvement opportunities with a clear roadmap to achieve the IGBC
Net Zero ratings. CREDAI and IGBC would also seek the support of each other’s’
members in local chapter activities and work closely with stakeholders in
Region / State in taking forward the green and net zero building movement.
Mr Boman R Irani,
President, Confederation of Real Estate Developers' Associations of India
(CREDAI) signed the MoU representing CREDAI. Speaking at the event, he said,
“CREDAI brings together more than 13,300+ members from 230 city chapters across
21 states of India and, together with CII IGBC, we can effectively promote
sustainability in the real estate sector and contribute to a more environment
friendly future.”
Under the association
with IGBC, CREDAI continues to pledge for its commitment to have over 4,000
projects by 2030, adopting IGBC Green & Net Zero building rating systems.
This will mean an addition of over 4,00,000 housing units in the green
development category across the country.
CREDAI and IGBC would
also form a joint taskforce to drive initiatives which will further the cause
of Green Building and Sustainable Built Environment in India. Regular updates
on the activities would be shared with the members periodically. CREDAI and
IGBC shall acknowledge and provide platforms to each other for reaching out
their leadership on unique contributions and achievements in sustainable built
environment. They will explore opportunities to develop publications for mutual
Mr. M Anand, Deputy
Executive Director, CII IGBC, speaking on the MoU and the partnership between
the two leading industry associations said, “This association will prove very
beneficial to India and will help the country benefit. By leveraging their
respective strengths, IGBC and CREDAI can create a powerful alliance that
drives the green and net zero building movement in India, resulting in
significant economic, social, and environmental benefits for the country.”
This Memorandum of
Understanding, between CII Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) and
Confederation of Real Estate Developers' Associations of India (CREDAI) is for
a period of 3 years which will be renewed for another 3 years on mutual terms.
IGBC encourages
innovation in building technologies, materials, and design practices that
support net zero goals. It promotes research and development in sustainable
building solutions and technologies. It also fosters collaboration among
various stakeholders, including industry experts, government bodies, and
academic institutions. This collaborative approach helps in sharing knowledge,
experiences, and solutions related to net zero buildings.
CII IGBC’s Mission on Net
Zero envisions to achieve 100% net zero embodied carbon by 2050, for new
buildings and infrastructure and work towards making all buildings including
existing buildings, net zero operational carbon. Its Net Zero Carbon Rating
System promotes the use of low-embodied carbon materials and technologies and
on-site or off-site renewable energy sources, and adherence to a Whole Building
Life Cycle Analysis. The rating system addresses projects in both 'Design &
Construction' and 'Operations' phases. This approach allows tailored strategies
for minimising or eliminating carbon emissions at different project stages.